Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Houston, We have Separation.

Again, some people are more in the know than others so this is a bit of a baring of the sole and update to get everyone on the same page more or less.

I understand that after the last post which was abit depressing I need to raise the tone abit so here goes...

As of mid May i have successfully achieved freedom. At least on an interim basis. That is to say Shell and I have gone our separate ways via an amicable agreement between the parties. It was a bit of a wrench but to my surprise and delight I feel as though a great weight has been lifted. Currently there is no 'next' so this allows me some time to do abit of reflection in my life before whatever the Universe has in store for me happens in its own time. Seems that there is sort of a trend in these things seeing Hannah and now also Jorg taking abit of a break from the nosestone. In fact I hope to catch up with these and many other people as opportunity presents itself. Due course, fullness of time etc.

Meantime though i am not completely sitting on my alltogether but doing some stuff in Douala. My current project is helping out my friends Manfred and Elvira in the German Seamans Mission Douala. I am taking over the running of the place to allow them some time to have a real holiday without having to stress about the place falling apart while they are gone. Anyone who has been in Africa will know what i mean on that score. It is quite fascinating to see the level of detail required to run a modestly successfull business here. It also allows me some practical experience of the ideas i have been reading in Michael Gerber and R Kyosaki amongst others.

So current activities include running a hotel and restaurant, trying to learn French, Reflecting, and reading (latest Peter F Hamilton: Judas Unchained-MUCH better ending than the Reality Dysfunction! also Small is Beautifull by E. F. Schumacher, dating from 1973 but still remarkably relevant, showing that really very little has been learned in the intervening 35 odd years). Amazingly I am busier than ever! Dont know how I ever found time for a job.

Speaking of which, duty calls.

This is Traveller, signing out. Goodnight Houston!